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Get Started

Thank you for your participation in the PPMI study and your willingness to pursue brain tissue donation.

To initiate planning for your brain tissue donation, first contact our study team so we can discuss the donation process in more detail and answer any questions.

After this discussion, the PPMI Pathology Core team at Indiana University will email you a link to our online consent and authorization, which also includes a short questionnaire. When these documents have been completed, we will request you complete a brain tissue donation planning form, which will capture all necessary information to initiate planning such as your contact information, and name and contact information of your legally authorized representative.

With this information, the Pathology Core will begin planning for your donation, and, when completed, our team will mail a final donation plan to you for review. This plan also will be provided to your legally authorized representative, nursing home (if applicable) and any other designated individuals involved in the donation plan. You will be contacted on an annual basis to confirm this information is still correct and update your donation plan as necessary.

Please contact our study team at 844-280-0036 or email to get started.